Relax. I think he was being sarcastic. And for those of us who do question the spit lube that comes up every time lube is asked about, or any other time questions are asked about loading a muzzle loader,,,,, we aren't saying it doesn't work. But, if one must use a short/ball starter to get the best accuracy, we must be looking for a way that loads the rifle for the best results. Is spit really the best lube? How often is free stuff the best unavailable?Who the hell are you to tell me what does and doesn’t work from my own experience?? What a clown.
Free bread in Soviet Russia, free healthcare here,,, look what "free" public school education has done to our kids and society (talk about missing the mark), free food at the soup kitchen? The best?
To me, the best lube produces reduced fowling (I refuse to swab between shots), repeatable results, usable accuracy, is usable under all conditions, and readily available without specialty stores, so stuff one might have at home or can produce oneself. Spit only meets that last one. Granted, I'm not seeking minute of angle accuracy from my flintlock, most people can't really take advantage of the mechanical accuracy they say they want out of any shooting system anyway.
Use spit, it works for you, under your conditions, currently. Do you have a second that works well when conditions change?