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I know where I'm hunting!!

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75 Cal.
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Wow, that’s a big animal”¦great photo too!

I fed these at my back door steps a couple years ago but when fall arrived they disappeared.


Hey Mike... are you sure that's not a "Photoshop" job? Nice elk though. Roundball...what's the average live weight of those bucks? Just curious...Fred
flehto said:
Hey Mike... are you sure that's not a "Photoshop" job? Nice elk though.
Doesn't look photoshopped to me...check the grass and the green weeds/plants...
Roundball...what's the average live weight of those bucks? Just curious...Fred
They're just young 1.5 yr olds, thin hot weather coats in the summer heat...I'd guess 125 pounds when those photos were taken, give or take.
I'd shake out a coffee can of corn at the back steps afternoon when I got home from work...got to the point where they'd be waiting for me in the treeline 30-40 feet away...came home one day and they were bedded down in the tree shade...LOL

Quit buying corn for them cause it go so expensive, but toss out bread, watermelon rinds, etc...have had a Doe & 2 fawns with us all this summer

Guys like this are all over Shenandoah Valley National Park campground just about an hour from D.C. I camped there one night with the family last June and the place was crawling with them, campers and tents everywhere. I wasnt using a zoom lens, I could have touched him. I thought of this when I saw the elk. I would bet a National park campground.
For Fred, the untrusting lefty, this is a photo out of today's paper, taken in Estes Park yesterday.
I am neither a liar or a fake.
C'mon Mike...sounds like you're mad at me? Don't take things so personally...I don't. You know I wouldn't call anybody a "liar or a "fake" nor have I even inferred such ...have never done that on this website or any other and you're "reading" way too much into my post. By the way...I'm not left handed, but am ambidextrous which comes in handy when building LRs. Hey...let's see your progress w/ some engraving pics.....Fred
We camped on Loft Mountain on Skyline drive in '99 and it was just like that. They practically came to the picnic table to bum food. :shocked2:
For those doubters.
Fred, I'm flattered that you would think I could photoshop with out the software. Magical, huh?
Swampy said:
I would think that canopy woulda caught hell when he stood up. :haha:

Probably not Swampy. It's amazing how well those guys can maneuver under, around, and through obstacles, without ever touching anything with those horns. It's like they know exactly where every point ends. Bill
This is from last year, both pics taken in my yard.


This pic was taken in June of this year, there was also another doe runnin around with a set of twins.

Hope y'all is prepped good for winter, the deer are expecting a rough one this year.
I took this from my front door last fall. What alerted me to their presence was the sound of soft music and the popping of champagne corks. :grin:

How true! I have seen them run through the timber and rock their heads back and forth so's the antlers don't bang into trees.
And they can slip up on you so quietly it's almost spooky.
Robby: That photo is mesmerizing! Is all your photo work of such high quality?

Mike: When I first saw that photo, Estes Park popped into my head. Last time I visited my bro in Boulder, we headed up into the park for some fishing and sure enough, there were big elk all over the place in E.P.!
Thank you Bill. It was just dumb luck on my part. It was an almost perfect fall morning with a light ground fog.
You know were yOUR hunting? I found a place that's got so much deer tird on the ground you can lay down and do a snow angle in it.

I KNOW were I'M hunting! :shocked2: