Pyrodex...will somebody please explain?

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Josh Smith said:
snipped. . . .
I've found that I live within 15 minutes(!) of a black powder dealer, a hole-in-the-wall place only open on Thursdays or something like that. Regardless, when this can of Pyrodex is gone, I'm going after the real stuff in FFg.
snipped . . . .

I'm 45 minutes north of you in Syracuse. Do you mind sharing the location of the hole in the wall shop? BTW, I bought a can of Goex 3fg at Gander Mountain in Fort Wayne. As many have said, it is not displayed - you ask for it. The purchase is made at the gun counter because of the forms. I bought the can just to find out if I could. I normally buy powder twice a year at the National Shoot at Friendship.

As to the pros and cons, my main concern is when shooting flints. I can't remember when I last shot a percussion gun, so I have no reason to use any of the subs. If I were a percussion shooter, the perchlorate issue would be a concern.

capper hereits 29.00 a lb for goexif you can git it. so when pyrodex shots an gives good accercey with regular 11nipples and caps its not about being historicalycorrect its about the love of shooting your GUN. WALT
Walt53 said:
capper hereits 29.00 a lb for goexif you can git it. so when pyrodex shots an gives good accercey with regular 11nipples and caps its not about being historicalycorrect its about the love of shooting your GUN. WALT

And the light comes on...... :thumbsup:
OK, had my fill, and just gotta speak up!
Regarding the numerous posts regarding Pyrodex and other BP substitutes; :cursing:

I fully and completely understand the rabid devotion to the holy black, and nothing but. Your reasons are sound, and I fully respect your decision to shoot nothing but HB in your smokepoles! :bow:

So, why can't a select few do the same? :hmm:

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Referring to it as "poopodex, Pyroduh, Crapodex", etc., ad nauseum, is getting a little old. Especially when it pops up in threads where the merits of substitutes are not even being discussed, such as some newbie discussing his new rifle, and the load he's shooting...someone will ultimately chime in with a wisecrack name for his sub powder and consequently tell him what a jacka$$ he is for choosing it and how he should "convert".... :shake:
So, if your ears are ringing, could be I'm talking about you.... :redface:
I fully understand that this is a traditional forum, we don't discuss "other" ML guns. But last I checked, substitute powder were not on the "no fly" list. If they are, I'm sure Claude or one of the mods will tell me and I will respectfully shut the he!! up. But if they're not, then please let's quit with the "racist-words" for powder and let people shoot what they choose without the harassment? :nono:
Some of us can't get HB without a lot of hassle. Some of us ...gasp!...don't WANT to! :shocked2: And if this sounds a bit like blasphemy, remember this; the gun you are loading your powder into is likely a "replica" as well, so why should it be so wrong to shoot "replica" powder in it? And, many Maxi's like the Lee REAL bullet I shoot are "replicas" as well....not historically correct but fully functional. In fact, if memory serves me, Crisco was not around during the American Revolution... :shake:
Again, I understand how historically correct meets and rondy goers would insist on historically accurate be it. But this is a forum for BP ENTHUSIASTS who are loading and shooting all manner of replicas, so can we cut a little slack here and quit with the Py-Racism? :nono:
Whew! There...I feel all better now! :v
Plenty's been said here by those who know more than me, but here's my two lincolns. When I started shooting bp guns, pyrodex was all that was available to me at the time-the internet as we know it now was a new word, so buying local was the only option, and no one close had goex, or any other holy black for that matter. The stuff worked, with the once in a while misfire we've come to expect these days. I once left a bp revolver uncleaned overnight before I knew better, and it was caked in rust the next day. I've since tried black powder, and will not dare repeat the mistake to compare the corrosive effects between the two.

With either, I clean up within two hours, and have found no rust to speak of. Despite the inconvenience of purchase, I will be sticking with bp from here on out. Pyro does have a shorter shelf life than bp, and I'm a long term storage kind of guy. The bp also smells much better, and to me that is part of the shooting experience. Last but not least, I have yet to experience a misfire with goex in any of the percussion guns I've acquired since my original foray. I would go so far as to say with #10 caps, I've had less misfires percentage wise than my 1911 with cheap carts, through which I put thousands of rounds per year (discussion for another forum).

I have nuthin' against someone using pyro, unless shelf life comes into question. I will say that I still haven't gotten around to firing my original colt 1860 that I've mentioned here before. If I dare to shoot that piece, it will be with goex due to its' supposed gentler nature.
It's really simple. I shoot real BP for only one reason.


Someone comes on here who is having a problem with misfires. I know they aren't using real BP. The guns we shoot are designed to shoot real BP, and they work great when we do that. It's just as much of hassle and expense for me to get BP as anybody else. However, when I have a nice buck in my sights. I want the gun to fire.

Crapodex works fine in rifles that use a 209 primer and I wouldn't hesitate to use subs in those. Using it in a sidelock? No thanks.

I don't feel much different getting that off my chest. Giving my opinion is pretty normal for me.

No, I don't own one. But since going black, I can't see myself going back. I have about a pound and a half of Pyrodex, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. Probably keep it as a backup, but the shelf life I guess isn't that long. Maybe add more sulfur to the mix? Heck, dunno.

The above nipple seems to be the most logical conclusion to setting off Pyrodex. It's ugly as hell but I don' see why it wouldn't work.

Won't go so far as to call Pyrodex "Crapodex" as some here do, but it's far from ideal.

I'm using Goex; I've never seen a can of Swiss or anything else up close and live, yet. Maybe when I get to the gunstore over in Roann...

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Sure the mag spark abortion with work.

Then you can put a scope on it and use Powerbelts.
Capper said:
Sure the mag spark abortion with work.

Then you can put a scope on it and use Powerbelts.

'Ay Cap', no way I'm going to argue with you on that one.

I stumbled across it one day and wondered what the hell this abomination was. But, it would be fun to play around with.

I'm starting to form strong opinions about muzzleloaders like I have about modern firearms (1911 should be chambered in .45acp or .38 Super only, maybe 10mm as it's a would-have-been if it had been around, but never, ever, never never never in a shorter round like .40, 9mm, etc).

Muzzleloaders, if they're going to be used with Pyrodex or other subs, should also be used with a newer priming system because otherwise, well, they just don't go off right half the time. Even when I get my #11 caps to fire it, it's almost always a slow fire. I mean, it's good to practice follow through with, but otherwise, not so much.

I had my T/C loaded up with Pyrodex and a PRB by the door. (We have coyote problems here and I keep all guns loaded). It took two caps to set it off, and I know for a fact that the channel was clean and dry when I loaded it. Hotshot nipple was installed... only thing I can figure is that the first spark didn't take.

Maybe it would work with a musket cap, and honestly the action on the T/C looks enough like a musket's I've thought about the conversion, but now that I have a ready supply of black (though it's a retirement business, so for how much longer I don't know), I don't see the point.

In fact, the Hotshot nipple is only installed because it's what the gunstore had. I was after a regular ol' stainless.

But standard caps = real black, and anything else should get a 209 primer, IMO.

Josh Smith said:
....Maybe add more sulfur to the mix? .....

Man, I have no idea how you've lived as long as you have.
R.M. said:
Josh Smith said:
....Maybe add more sulfur to the mix? .....

Man, I have no idea how you've lived as long as you have.

Easy. Lots of speculation with action only on the things which seem prudent.

Capper said:
Crapodex pellets need real BP to set them off, and that's with a 209 primer in an inline.

That should tell you something.

Actually they dont need it, Pyrodex adds it for a back up for those who use a #11 set up with the other style rifles.

Personally, if you want a GOOD powder, better than holy black, use Blackhorn209.

One set back, Wont work with straight #11 caps. I have to use a 5 grain booster charge to get it to go off but the stuff is by far the most accurate powder ive shot.
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I didn't like pyro due to the fact that it simply wouldn't go bang every time even when my rifle was clean and free of oil. It was a rare occurance but still would happen occasionally.
CaptainKirk said:
OK, had my fill, and just gotta speak up!
Regarding the numerous posts regarding Pyrodex and other BP substitutes; :cursing:

...I feel all better now! :v
I couldn't agree with you more Captain.
I live in New York. Ordered 5 lbs of powder from where I won't mention. Powder, shipping, hazmat, spent about $135. My math tells me approx, $27/lb.
I've used pyro and had no problem with it but I wanted to be "real." At these costs, I may be shooting pyro again.
Lets see, now. I want to get this straight.

You can't Ignite the powder, but its the most accurate powder you know?????

Have you tried Swiss?

I think I will stick with powder I CAN ignite, in my flintlocks or percussion guns, and that allows my guns to shoot more accurately than I can hold the sights. :shocked2: :surrender: :surrender: :hmm: :thumbsup:

Find a substitute powder That WILL IGNITE in my flintlock, costs less than Black Powder, and doesn't deteriorate when exposed to air, and you will have my undivided attention. :bow: Thank you. :hmm:
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