I've had rust one single time after storage for a couple of months in my TC Renegade. I'd done everything the same, except I'd changed from using Hoppes gun oil as a rust preventative to straight Ballistol. I've stored with natural loob, Hoppes gun oil, Ballistol, and now Barricade. Being human, it's possible I screwed up and didn't get the bore completely dry that one and only time I tried Ballistol as a preservative...but I'm pretty OCD about getting the bore dry.
I have though, every single time, gotten flash rust in my Renegade if I use water any warmer than room temperature. Boiling, hot out of the tap, or warm out of the tap (city water). I keep saying I'm going to try heating up some distilled water to try, but haven't gotten around to it. I initially use water with a couple drops of dish soap, and then rinse with plain water. No matter how fast I get a patch down the bore after rinsing, it will come back out with flash rust on it if the water was warm or hot. Never happens if water is tepid or cold.
A couple of weeks ago I cleaned an old CVA Mountain Rifle after it had been shot for the very first time in its life. I believe I had gotten all of the factory preservative out of the barrel beforehand, and had then put Barricade in it. The Barricade was not stripped out of the bore before shooting it. I was at hunting camp so cold water was used. It had flash rust show on the first drying patch even with the cold water. Haven't ever seen that in my TC. I dried it out with dry patches and denatured alcohol. No rust showing on the patches after running the first two drying patches. Treated it with Barricade after done. Three days later i ran a patch down it and it showed a hint of rust again. I ran some modern Hoppes through it several times. Wet patch, nylon brush, dry patch, repeat. Then several patches of denatured alcohol, another couple dry patches, and then Barricade. It's been 3 weeks and so far I haven't seen rust again.
No idea why it is having a problem.