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Trade gun for grizzlies

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I figure I'd have better than average chance of out running the beast.
I'm not young or fast but while he was busy slipping, sliding and trying to get traction in what once was in my bowels I think I could outrun him.
Even if he did catch up to me, the smell would turn him away........bears have standards to ya know.
If the bear is already running at 35mph, he'll close that 20 yards in 1.18 seconds. You might have enough time to get a shot off, but you won't have the luxury of waiting until the bear is closer. He's already on you.
Fast.. you know.

My sister has one of those Belgian Malinuar.

I hate that dog.. it's crazy.. I'd have no problem letting that thing go chew on some grizzly bear.
even at my age, I'd be squealing like a little girl.
when i had my misunderstanding with old A hole, I remember someone screeching for what seemed like a long time. only after I tripped over a log and snapped my leg that things got quiet. just a loud humming in my head.
I know myself very good. I been 8n some rough fights. But with a bear i would run. There aint no way on this earth i would lay down and play dead. The bear would catch me im very sure of that but i would run.
I figure I'd have better than average chance of out running the beast.
I'm not young or fast but while he was busy slipping, sliding and trying to get traction in what once was in my bowels I think I could outrun him.
Even if he did catch up to me, the smell would turn him away........bears have standards to ya know.
Same here brother. I would look like forest gump with that football
A running bear. Let alone a grizzly will plow into you if you wait to long do momentum. My cousin wounded a back bear years ago, and got help to track it down. I put 5 44 mag rounds into it at that distance when it charged me. All rounds hit, and it landed at my feet.

I almost needed to change my underwear. So with black powder. The more distance the better in my book.
You sir are a very brave man. Much respect to u
Not a bear but I did get charged by a really upset four point white tail about 25 years ago. Been sitting just below the top of a hill in the woods since before daylight and, Around 11:00, still hadn't seen anything. Decided to move and went to the top of the hill behind me. It went into a clear pasture at the hilltop with just a few single trees here and there. Heard a noise back in the woods and looked just in time to see a doe come running by with that four point on her tail. Raised my rifle and took the shot at around 15-20 feet. Only time I ever shot at a running deer. Popped him in the bread basket but he still had gas in the tank. He ran around the one tree I was next to and turned. He stopped, looked at me. Then it was on. Just like a bull in the movies this guy pawed the ground, snorted, and charged. Couldn't shoot him again so I switched the rifle to my left hand and went for my knife. He got there so fast I didn't even clear leather. He rares up right in front of me and raised his front hooves. Then his head fell back and he fell backwards away from me and was dead before he hit the ground. Not the same as a grizz obviously but, had that been ol' Ephraim, I'm completely sure I wouldn't be telling this story today. Glad I don't have to deal with the brownies. So yes, it may be a futile effort, but I'd probably do the old poop-n-run in that situation. Be careful and aware out there.
I read that the expedition shot a bear but didn't kill it making the men jump off a cliff into the water to get away from the bear that was on a rampage? I can't recall where I read this?
Everything they said about grizzlies as quoted in DeVoto’s book:

MONDAY APRIL 29TH 1805 [Lewis]
I walked on shore with one man. about 8. A.M. we fell in with two brown or yellow bear; both of which we wounded; one of them made his escape, the other after my firing on him pursued me seventy or eighty yards, but fortunately had been so badly wounded that he was unable to pursue me so closely as to prevent my charging my gun; we again repeated our fir and killed him. … the Indians may well fear this anamal equiped as they generally are with their bows and arrows or indifferent fuzees, but in the hands of skillfull riflemen they are by no means as formidable or dangerous as they have been represented.

The river rising & current Strong & in the evening we saw a Brown or Grisley beare on a sand beech, I went out with one man Geo Drewyer & Killed the bear, which was verry large and a turrible looking animal, which we found very hard to kill we Shot ten Balls into him before we killed him, & 5 of those Balls through his lights

MONDAY MAY 6TH 1805 [Lewis]
saw a brown bear swim the river above us, he disappeared before we can get in reach of him; I find that the curiossity of our party is pretty well satisfyed with rispect to this anamal

one of the party wounded a brown bear very badly, but being alone did not think proper to pursue him. In the evening, the men in two of the rear canoes discovered a large brown bear lying in the open grounds about 300 pieces from the river, and six of them went out to attack him, all good hunters; they took the advantage of a small eminence which concealed them and got within 40 paces of him unperceived, two of them reserved their fires, as had been previously conscerted, the four others fired nearly at the same time and put each his bullet through him, two of the balls passed through the bulk of both lobes of his lungs, in an instant this monster ran at them with open mouth, the two who had reserved their firs, discharged their pieces at him as he came towards them, boath of them struck him, one only slightly and the other fortunately broke his shoulder, this, however, only retarded his motion for a moment only, the men unable to reload their guns took to flight, the bear pursued and had very nearly overtaken them before they reached the river; two of the party betook themselves to a canoe, and the others seperated an concealed themselves among the willows, reloaded their pieces, each discharged his piece at him as they had an opportunity they struck him several times again but the guns served only to direct the bear to them in this manner he pursued two of them seperately so close that they were obliged to throw aside their guns and pouches and throw themselves into the river, altho’ the bank was nearly twenty feet perpendicular; so enraged was this anamal that he plunged into the river only a few feet behind the second man he had compelled take refuge in the water when one of those who still remained on shore shot him through the head and finally killed him; they then took him on shore and butched him when they found eight balls had passed through him in different directions

FRIDAY JUNE 14TH 1805 [Lewis]
I selected a fat buffaloe and shot him very well, through the lungs; while I was gazeing attentively on the poor anamal discharging blood in streams from his mouth and nostrils, expecting him to fall every instant, and having entirely forgotten to reload my rifle, a large white or reather brown bear, had perceived and crept on me within 20 steps before I discovered him; in the first moment I drew up my gun to shoot, but at the same instant recolected that she was not loaded and that he was too near for me to hope to perform this opperation before he reached me, as he was then briskly advancing on me; it was an open level plain, not a bush within miles nor a tree within less than three hundred yards of me; the riverbank was sloping and not more than three feet above the level of the water; in short, there was no place by means of which I could conceal myself from this monster untill I could charge my rifle; in this situation I thought of retreating in a brisk walk as fast as he was advancing untill I could reach a tree about 300 yards below me, but I had no sooner terned myself about but he pitched at me, open mouth and full speed, I ran about 80 yards and found he gained on me fast, I then run into the water the idea struk me to get into the water to such debth that I could stand and he would be obliged to swim, and that I could in that situation defend myself with my espontoon; accordingly, I ran haistily into the water about waist deep, and faced about and presented the point of my espontoon, at this instant he arrived at the edge of the water within about 20 feet of me; the moment I put myself in this attitude of defence, he suddenly wheeled about as if frightened, declined to combat on such unequal grounds, and retreated with quite as great precipitation as he had just before pursued me.
As soon as I saw him run in that manner I returned to the shore and charged my gun, which I had still retained in my hand throughout this curious adventure, I saw him run through the level open plain about three miles till he disappeared in the woods on medecine river
If you want a dog for protection get a Karillion bear dog. I think they come from Finland where t6hey have brown bears. the dogs chase the bears some distance and then break off the chase. i don't know if is natural for them, or if they are trained.
If you want a dog for protection get a Karillion bear dog. I think they come from Finland where t6hey have brown bears. the dogs chase the bears some distance and then break off the chase. i don't know if is natural for them, or if they are trained.

I saw a video of a grizzly charging at some guys who were in a small boat, floating down a shallow stream in Alaska.
The client was sitting in the bow fishing.
The guide was standing up behind the client with a rifle in his hands at low ready.

Suddenly a grizzly appeared from behind a tree on the river bank about 20 yards away, and charged at the boat. The stream was only about 2 feet deep.

The guide was standing up with a rifle at low ready, and the grizz charged so fast that he shot the bear when it had already covered 20 yards and was about to jump into the boat.

Yeah, that fast. Like lightning.
we need to consider the fact that 24/7/365 wild critters are faced with staying alive in conditions that would eventually kill most of us. anywhere there are multiple predators, the predators are tough and hard to disable let alone kill. At the same time the prey species toughen up from the pressure.
people like to think they are apex predators. there are tougher critters by far than us, even when we arm ourselves with the latest tyrannosaurus popper.
I have a young friend that was out hunting. had his dog with him. dog was 40 yards ahead and suddenly charged back past said buddy and tackled a mountain lion that was less than 6 feet behind. buddy had no idea he was being stalked. the odds in the game of us vs wildlife on their turf are on their side.