Fine thread on a perennial topic.
On a side note, while Ballistol was developed in 1904, mineral oil was so named about 1771.
On a side note, while Ballistol was developed in 1904, mineral oil was so named about 1771.
BillinOregon, was not mineral oil also referred to as sweet oil I like this as a lubricant in small amounts in lock workings. Perhaps if this is so the date for it could even be earlier, pure speculation on my behalf
Can't argue with Mel Gibson.
Still going to throw a plug in there for paper cartridges.
Wait!, They sit in a wooden block too
No way that's just a coincidence.
View attachment 36254
But my paper wrapped cartridges fit loosely in the wooden cartridge block. Only have the one paper cartridge (blank charge) and it slipped out of the belly box.
Full disclosure, I do have a loading block. One loading block for my smoothbore has a ball with a dimple from ball puller. Helps to remind me, "Powder First".
I use a different take on the same thing. For hunting I use a three or five hole block. With patched and prelubed balls. I lube with olive oil. And paper cartridges loaded with powder only. My short starter stays in the empty hole left from loading the first shot. The block and starter go in my bag along with my paper cartridges of powder. When reloading I reach into the bag and grab the block and a cartridge in one hand full. Tear the cartilage with my teeth. Pour it down the bore then start the next ball through the block. Then ram it down. Prime with a separate gizzie. And were ready to go. It takes a bunch less time than typing this BJH
It's not that much of a logical leap to imagine looking at one and conceiving of the other.
I’ve seen these around but can’t figure out what the benefit is in using one? Or maybe a better question is why would you use one? Is it for ease of use at the range or do guys actually carry one around when they are hunting? Probably elementary to most but it’s got me scratching my head...
I was a thinkin on making one today just for something to do, lazy day that does not happen too often around here. As to the room in the possible bag for snacks I like that ideal, some of the better naps and say picnics I have had was in a deer stand never can have too many snacks.
It's not proving they're not PC, it's proving they ARE.I use ball boards most of the time. I will cut at the muzzle when in the mood but never for hunting. If they go back to 1840 i'm good with that. I use bear tallow for patch lube and it stays on the patch for a long time on the board. If you're drying out the lube on your boards. You aren't shooting enough.
The boards are not only faster but take the place of a ball bag, lube patching material, and a patch knife. That gives me more room in the possible bag for snacks. Plus, no dealing with greasy patch material. It's a no-brainer for me.
Not PC? That's pretty hard to prove.
It's not proving they're not PC, it's proving they ARE.
Carbon 6 said:
I use a different take on the same thing. For hunting I use a three or five hole block. With patched and prelubed balls. I lube with olive oil. And paper cartridges loaded with powder only. My short starter stays in the empty hole left from loading the first shot. The block and starter go in my bag along with my paper cartridges of powder. When reloading I reach into the bag and grab the block and a cartridge in one hand full. Tear the cartilage with my teeth. Pour it down the bore then start the next ball through the block. Then ram it down. Prime with a separate gizzie. And were ready to go. It takes a bunch less time than typing this BJH
It's not that much of a logical leap to imagine looking at one and conceiving of the other.
It's not that much of a logical leap to imagine looking at one and conceiving of the other.
I use a different take on the same thing. For hunting I use a three or five hole block. With patched and prelubed balls. I lube with olive oil. And paper cartridges loaded with powder only. My short starter stays in the empty hole left from loading the first shot. The block and starter go in my bag along with my paper cartridges of powder. When reloading I reach into the bag and grab the block and a cartridge in one hand full. Tear the cartilage with my teeth. Pour it down the bore then start the next ball through the block. Then ram it down. Prime with a separate gizzie. And were ready to go. It takes a bunch less time than typing this BJH
It's not that much of a logical leap to imagine looking at one and conceiving of the other.