I've owned a lot of them, I never cared for the Renegade, too clubby, never felt right. Hawken, Pa Hunter top choices.
The new Englander is probably my favorite TC gun. A short NE in .54 is now my main deer rifle and a 12 gauge NE is my turkey gun.My favorite T/C is the only one I’ve ever owned - a second-hand, lefty New Englander in .50 cal!
New Englanders. i have a .50,.54.58 and a 20 gauge. Got enough stuff to build another or two.What are your favorite Thompson Center (T/C) Muzzleloading percussion guns?
Plus 1 for the .56 smoothbore. One of my favorites.Renegade .56 smoothbore
also have a rifled .54 for it, but I don't use it since I figured out a good roundball load inside of 50 yards with the .56 barrel
I really like the Cherokee. Particularly the slim profile and light weight. Pretty easy in the eyes too.The only TC’s I own are the Cherokee. A 36 and 45. So I guess they are my favorite TC. The 36 is a real sweetheart.
I like a good .36. mine is a CVA, so not as nice as a TC, but I do appreciate the caliber. Popped a possum on the half shell with it the other day. My Cherokee, which is probably the most accurate BP gun I've owned, is a .40. great little gun.The 45 is stupid accurate, it takes the mystery out of the gun for me. I have several in 45 that I tinker with. The 36 is just flat awesome. It’s my only small bore as of now. The Crack of that 36 going off is awesome.