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Went to our local hwy 40 garage sales. Picked up a hat that needs a little upgrade to be PC, a pewter mug and a super lite steel fry pan for trekking.
Not bad ......10 bucks for all 3 pieces.


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Packed for camp and ready to head out early tomorrow. Got some beef smokies for supper tomorrow night, and lots of buffalo jerky to snack on. Coffee and bacon for breakfast.
your Bears up yet? we have been seeing them here and one got a neighbors hog the other day.
your bacon for breakfast made me think of it🤣
Altoids boxes are cheaper and they come with altoids
You old guys are so sarcastic! 🤣
Packed for camp and ready to head out early tomorrow. Got some beef smokies for supper tomorrow night, and lots of buffalo jerky to snack on. Coffee and bacon for breakfast.
Every time you describe one of your trips to camp I just want to run away from home. 🤣
I made a fire channel on the breech plug of my Fusil de Chasse to improve ignition.
I did that with my first plank build. A capper. I see it given the "no no" treatment but it was suggested to me by a reputable builder so I did it. Working fine still. Gonna do the same thing when I build my SMR fainter.

Turns out it was pretty common back "in the day".
your Bears up yet? we have been seeing them here and one got a neighbors hog the other day.
your bacon for breakfast made me think of it🤣
Oh ya bears been up for awhile. Think some don’t sleep much anymore.
Took this in January at camp. In my camp.
(Yesterday) made up some paper catridges for my Colt Dragoon using two different fabrication techniques to seat the ball and took them to the range to shoot. All shot fine, but I had a heck of a time with cap jams, and there's already Slixshots on that pistol. I'm going to dress the hammer face and also try to bend the hammer spring a bit to give the hammer more tension to hold that cap on there until ignition back pressure is done. Raining today, so no range trip to try it out planned.

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