Years ago, a club near ours went " primitive only ". You could not attend their shoots, or camp with them unless you had all the right stuff. A factory closed, and about half the guys in the club had to move out of the area to find work. Time and death took more of the club. The kept the " Primitive only rule", but bitched because no new people were joining. They had fogotten how long it took them to learn, and then acquire all that " stuff ". The club is gone, now.
A member of our club tried to get us to amend our by-laws to be " primitive " only. He had some support. I had met this man a year earlier- actually not quite a year earlier- when he showed up at the firing line at our club in blue jeans, carrying a card box with plastic stuff, a percussion rifle bought over the counter, a tin of caps, some balls, some patches, some cleaning solvent, and I watched him run a ball down the barrel about half way and take his ramrod out. That is when I stopped him ,and introduced myself, and then proceeded to show him how to load and fire that gun safely! He never has been a good shot, and he won't take instruction on shooting basics. what he did do was becomes a " Camper ", making his own stuff, buying used tents, and gear, and by the annual meeting the next year, he was standing there, an authority on everything, and wanting to close the club to anyone who was not dressed out in primitive dress. His motion lost. I reminded the membership where we all started, and pointed out how he came to us. I reminded them that we got new shooters every year who saw us in a demonstration, or heard about the club from some store clerk, and that by and large, everyone of us had lots of stuff in our closets at home we don't use or need, because we bought the stuff when we were new and didn't know anything.
So, a snob ML shooter is like any other snob. He wants to find a way to exclude people from his little puddle where he can be the big fish, rather than welcome new folks in, and feed them so they grow. He is the shooter who signs up to shoot against kids at Fall turkey shoots, because he knows he can beat them all, but bails when older, more epxerienced shooters sign up for the same squad to beat him, and give the top prize to the best scoring younger shooter. He's the guy who won't share his " secret loads" with anyone, and won't shoot unless he thinks he can win. And, he only hangs out with folks that think like he does, or he thinks think like he does. Like all snobs, he is small minded, and he destroys more than he contributes to our sport.
Is that clear enough? I would not think anyone who joins this forum would be that type of individual. We are all giving away " secrets " to new shooters every day, here. I much prefer to shoot with better shooters than I am, because I can learn from them, and they make me bear down and shoot better. I don't mind using my Traditional Flintlock LH rifle against guys with inlines, or percussion guns. If I am the better shot, I am going to beat them. I usually beat most of them even if I don't win. My gun club used to scre the flintlock shooters separately than the cap and ball folks. But after a couple of years of doing that, we noticed that the flintlock guys were shooting scores that were competitive to the percussion shooters, and we asked them if they wanted to compete with the percussion shooters so they could win more money. They did, so we changed our rules, and eliminated the second category. A lot of cap and ball shooters began to be interested in flinters, and within a couple of years, most of the members of the club werer shooting flint, not cap and ball.
Personally, I believe flintlocks are a superior arm to percussions and inlines, but I admit my bias. I am not worried about inline folks coming into the club and running all the rest of us off. I actually DO BELIEVE that if you expose inline shooters to traditional ML rifles, they will eventually sell that piece of fence post, and get a real gun. So, why not invite them in?
I don't disagree with Claude in keeping this forum for traditional ML shooters only. If I did, I would not be here. However, I am not going to be seduced into buying one of those things, or using substitutes because of what some ignorant sporting goods store tries to sell me. I am amused that they try, and its obvious they don't know who I am or how long I have been around MLs. You should see their faces when, after waiting for them to finish their speils, I quietly tell them that I already have a few MLs, and that I shoot flintlocks!
So, lighten up, J.D.