As is the case most of the time, you're right again! My son and I just joined a "primitive" club...they still let us in even though we use caplocks. They are looking for new members and had left flyers in a BP store that we frequent. To their credit, they don't have a rule about caplocks even though most of them use flinters and wear dead animals on their heads and feet.
Maybe in the future I will buy a flinter, or worse yet wear a dead animal on my head or feet. I told them at the last meeting of the club that I would respect there wishes and not show-up to their Rondy with my Walker revolver. They don't have a regular hand gun shoot anyway...YET!
The club is also scheduling a shoot with some hunters that use the inlines, but they want to do a gong shoot. I told them to make it a paper shoot so that the inline guys could use their sabots and the clubs' gongs wouldn't be damaged. Most inline shooters use the sabots, not PRB, because all of the stores push them along with the subs. Some inlines haven't seen anything but plastic touching the bore, and some shooters use regular gun cleaner for the plastic fouling.
In a paper shoot, the inline guys could take that walk you spoke of to patch the sighters, and stare at the results of the more primitive firearms...I think that would get them asking questions and trying-out some caplocks & flinters.
We all have to stick together! In the local gun club that I belong to, we have several leagues / disciplines. We all share the eight outdoor ranges, from the small pits to the largest one, our 100 yd. rifle range. Static Steel, Knock-Down Steel, I.P.S.C., I.D.P.A., Shotgun (clays), High Power (Garrands & A-R's) AND Black Powder League
. It would be much too expensive for the BP League to turn into snobs and be forced to buy separate property just to segregate themselves from all of the modern firearms.
Our Black Powder League has divisions for every type of gun that shoots BP, including them thar fancy carrrrtridge guns. An Olympic shooting coach uses an inline and the guy next to him shoots a capgun and the WOMAN next to me shoots a flinter. I shoot a caplock as well. At the end of the day we all shake hands and congratulate the winners in each division and the highest shooter as well. Sometimes it's me and sometimes it isn't...and there's no hard feelings because so and so used this or that type of gun. I feel lucky to be surrounded by people who shoot BP well and have learned alot from them...sometimes enough to beat them at their own game. These are all my friends, regardless of what the trigger is connected to.
In my opinion, if it burns BP, it belongs on the BP range in competition. The guys with the inlines would soon see how good the guys with the dead animals on their heads can shoot. And if enough of these new-found primitives go to the store clammering for real Black, who knows, maybe Mr. Storeowner can find a way to make a buck too!!
All the best, Dave