When hunting do you dress the part?

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thanks very much! Really appreciate your help. I’ll contact Northwest and see what I can arrange. No, I don’t want to sew it, I can’t even so a small patch on a pair of jeans. It would be a disaster it I do it.
I only hunt during muzzleloader season here in Wisconsin and there are apparently not many of us. During the last 3 seasons I haven’t seen another hunter or cut a track of one.

Here in PA we are not required to wear orange during the flintlock only season. I have never, not once seen another hunter in the woods during flintlock season. And I hunt public land.
I hunt on private land, so no orange required.
I dress in cammo, hat and gloves, a drop net to hide my face.
I carry a bag with a small flask (8 rounds or so), a short starter, a small container of patches dosed with windex, a ball board with (6) patched balls.
In the bag I have a spare flint (or a stripper if using percussion), jag, a patch worm, a ball puller.
On my strap I have a brush and pick.
In my pocket 2 folding knives for field gutting.
I have a small sack on the other side with water, a small field medkit, a drag bag and a length of rope.
I am also not more than a mile (mostly a lot closer) to my truck with all the rest of my needs in it.
Love this thread. Hunted Idaho just south of McCall in period clothes. Still have Moccasins with holes [repaired] in soles. But time changed all that. Too dangerous now and the abortions [inlines] ruined that part for me. Had a favorite spot on the Little Weiser river where I never saw another hunter in five years. It was a difficult climb but when on top just rolling hills. I never even heard a shot except far off in the distance. Took my game warden friend there and he scored within first thirty minutes. Back to his house for coffee and cookies before 9 A.M. Those days are gone as surely as the Rocky Mountain beaver trade. But the memories are great and we can still hunt with muzzle loaders. For that I am thankful. Polecat
In other words to you dress in period clothing? I personally do not, as I have no interest in the clothing. However, I have seen a few hunters about dressed in colonial type garb. I will admit they looked really cool.
I have done so many times , it depends on how long I have to hunt, 7-10 days I go period (1760). If I only have a couple of days then not.
Depends who I am huntin.....

In other words to you dress in period clothing? I personally do not, as I have no interest in the clothing. However, I have seen a few hunters about dressed in colonial type garb. I will admit they looked really cool.
I did once, and got shot at...thought nobody else was in the area. They were surprised though when I fired back with my 1851 Navy 6 times!
No, and I don’t ride to the range on a period horse.

My interest is solely in the guns and the direct accouterments associated with their use and firings. I don’t need to put on a feather and loin cloth when I shoot my bow, and don’t need to put on outfits for my long rifles.

I’ve heard it referred to as a “T-shirt n’ jeans shooter” by some of the period dress people.

I totally respect them and like what they do, so long as they’re actually researching and wearing correct outfits. Otherwise it’s just dress up.
Hmmm.. I wonder what a period correct collar would look like. Any ideas? I’m game. My guess would be no collar? Maybe?
A few years ago I made my dog a leather warrior shirt with fringes, beading and a built in [unseen] collar. I will be kind, but during a rendezvous the shirt got 'mislaid' :dunno: I'm too lazy to do it again. Polecat
Yeah what he said (sadly).
I would like to but the blaze orange legal requirement sorta kills the spirit of recreating/reenacting. Plus, I consider good hunting boots a critical safety factor when in the woods, particularly if alone. They are not 'authentic'.

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