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deer check points in PA ?..................

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"It's the law for us to be responsible and drive our vehicles under our control at all times.
But a deer darts out in front of you while driving and you kill it with your vehicle...on your way to go deer hunting during hunting season...do you file a report and use one of your deer tags on that deer that you just took?"

No you get a car deer tag. :thumbsup: (At least in NY, maybe they don't have them everywhere.)
I am not trying to start an argument RB. You make some points. However intent isn't everything in the law Some laws are strict liability you don't have to have intent to violate them.
Example, You pass into a 30 MPH zone from a 55 zone and don't see the sign. You are still speeding and the I didn't see the sign I didn't intend to break the law excuse isn't going anywhere.
Back to shooting. You are responsible for your shot if there is any question you don't shoot. If you don't recognize a problem and shoot you are still responsible. What if someone hunting shoots at a deer and injures someone else? His INTENT was not to hurt the victim. Under some circumstances the shooter could be charged, and very likely would lose his license even if not prosecuted.
Anyway consider it. I am not trying to pick a fight just discussing the other point of view. :thumbsup:
I go duck hunting in La every year and the guides always want us to shoot his limit too, I won't do it. It just doesn't seem right.

And I totally agree with you on that...it's clearly against the law (at least it is here) and to knowingly do so would be an intentional illegal act, and appropriate consequences should apply.

Sure envy your ability to do that...just talked to a buddy over the weekend who went duck hunting in North Dakota this year...hunted several days, limited out every day with liberal bag limits, had a great trip...my duck & goose shooting takes place at the local trap and skeet range...liberal limit of 25 birds per round, but they taste terrible!
rick....thank you for an honest answer being one involved in such a sting so to say....this guy at work is just someone that i would rather not be seen with if we were away from work....he was condoning a 25-06 for deer and bear and i had to just walk away from him cause he wasn't even listening that i thought it was too small of a caliber and such things along that line....so you know what kind of guy he might be....didn't want no part of him and told him so....once again thanks everyone for the replies....come on rifle raffle and x-mass ::............bob
I'll give you an honest answer every time, Bob. It might not be the one you want to hear, but it'll be honest! :: I hope you and everyone else remembers there is always two sides to every story. Some of the others on here who frequent the forum previously mentioned know how quickly people can jump to conclusions after hearing a tale, even one that threatens the very foundations of science...
By the way, where's Old Charlie. I'm still waitin' to hear why we hate cops! ::
Have a fantastic holiday, all. Rick
Could be cause I am a grouchy old man with a new speeding ticket in my back pocket.
Old Charlie
but you were speeding right :nono:....inquiring minds want to know :peace:............bob
Well according to the radar gun! As the pain af the leaving of the green from my wallet eases I am sure my atitude will improve. It always dose.
Old Charlie
Thanks for clearing that up. I was begining to think you were one of those contrary types who thinks the law applies to everyone but them! ::
Having experienced the pain of which you speak, myself, I can understand your remarks a little better.
I am not trying to start an argument RB.

Great, so we won't...this is one of those that's like squeezing a balloon.
Agreed, so I'll drop it. Take it easy. :thumbsup:

P.S. I like that "squeezing a balloon," I will have to remember that expression.
Just a thought here, not to accuse anyone of anything but:
Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching.

As far as the check points that were set up, I personally do not have a problem with them. I would rather see something like this, enforcing the rules we have, instead of getting more restrictive laws shoved down our throats. I think there should be more enforcement. If there were, then maybe there would be less violations and less stories for the antis to get hold of and run and exaggerate to stir up more anti feelings. It would be an inconvience yes, but better that than losing what we have.

Just my $.02 worth.

where are they setting these up? i`ll be coming to elk county next week and want to avoid these road blocks if possible
No need to worry. Rick is an eastern boy. He don't work that far west normally. The rest of the WCOs are not crazy enough to stop 5,000 cars in a day. Besides for $1.29 we have a device that lets you know where he is at all times. :haha:
No worries, Ages. We're done for the year. Besides, the law requires the police to leave an alternate route available if you don't want to go through the checkpoint.
I've been stopped twice in my life by a wildlife officer and both times it was no big deal..they just wanted to see my license. One was in Ohio, the other was in PA.
I did shoot a buck (button buck by the ODNR definition) and was ticketed and fined. It seems (in Ohio) that the regulations change from year to year and there happened to be (at that time) "urban zones" that allowed the taking of does (too many deer in one area). When I shot the buck, his antlers were just shy of the "OFFICIAL" size to be considered a buck, so that deer was classified as an antlerless deer and I had broken the law. That resulted in a trip to the judge, a heavy fine ($250.00), but the judge was lenient and told me I could pay the fine at a later date. When I went to go pay the fine there was an arrest warrant out for me. I remember the lady at the desk saying to me that there was an arrest warrant and there just happened to be a police officer standing there. She asked him if he wanted to arrest me and he just laughed at her and said he had better things to do. What a system. I was also shooting in an "urban zone", had the special permit to allow it and when I asked the ODNR officer if I could have used that permit to avoid all this his answer was "No, that only allows archery hunters to harvest, not gun hunters." Ohio is not very friendly to gun hunters, their BP season is a joke, but by God, if you hunt with bows & arrows, then that's OK. That's why I prefer hunting in PA...up in Potter County is where I hunt.

It's[url] funny...in[/url] Ohio you cannot use high power rifles to hunt deer (unless you claim deer damage by a farmer or tree grower), you can use them for groundhogs, fox and coyoete. But you can use those "inline" plastic stocked rifles that brag of knock down power that puts to shame a 30-30...go figure! Just your typical good old Ohio head up the butt thinking! Yahooo!!!

OK, off my soapbox now...next question!!!!
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Back in the late 1980's, I got stopped by a Mass. game warden. He tried to convince me that I was hunting bear with a prohibited firearm. I was carrying Lucifer, my .54 percussion Lyman Great Plains Rifle. You see at that time you could only use blackpowder smoothbores to hunt whitetails. But the regs for bear stated "strictly rifles" were to be used for bear. The warden tried to get me to turn my gun over to him till things were sorted out. A month before the season, I had gotten written confirmation from the Wildlife and fisheries director that it was "legal" to use my blackpowder rifle for bear. That warden was not a happy camper, when I informed him there was no way my gun was leaving my posession and he could have my name, address and phone number to send me a fine or a court summons if I was in violation, but my gun was coming home with me. Never heard from him again.

Just :m2c: