Seeing "inlines" have been mentioned numerous times, are we blaming them for the declining interest in traditional MLing? If we are, then we're just exhibiting personal biases that might satisfy our distaste for them, but does little else. We can't "force" people to like what we hold dear and if it's difficult to recruit "newbies" in these modern times, it's quite useless to offer all sorts of "carrots" to people that aren't interested. Appealing pastimes and hobbies have to start w/ the individual's motivation and trying to get some one interested might show short term results but more often than not, the interest "just fades away". After all, the modern culture fosters very short attention spans attested to by many youngsters and this "trait" will for many, accompany them through their lifetime. Declining interest in traditional MLing is just one of many symptoms of deeper problems plaguing these modern times....Doggone...hijacked myself agin...Fred