tg said:
This is a good point to take a close look at,just because something is not traditional does not make it a bad thing,far to many people get their shorts in a wad if one suggests that anything they like to use is not traditional,pointing out the traditional status or lack off such of an item does not make it good of bad,it is as if being or using traditional gear was very important to them...if this is the case one would think it would be imporant enough to get it right,or as right as possible for the individual.
This is important for many reasons. First and foremost is being "Traditional" comes in many shades of grey, not just BLACK or WHITE! By this I mean so what if a hunter in complete traditional garb & rifle visits an out-house and uses toilet paper instead of leaves. Or the senior that has arthritis has a little plastic tube for powder or shot cause his crooked hands can't manage a horn safely anymore.
Traditional means being as traditional as you can be, given your finances, length of time in our great hobby, input from mentors on what to buy or make, your current health situation, as well as the correct time-line for your persona (if you have adopted one), and maybe several other things as well!
The wonderful thing about our hobby is that there's room for everybody! One of the clubs that my son and I belong to is a "Traditional Club", and my son's rifles' sights were "outlawed" because they were a rear peep. Since the other club that we both belong to doesn't care about peeps, we decided to keep the peep and to use it at the club that allows its' use! So while he was away at college, I bought him another rifle and found the regular "traditional" open iron sights for it. After sighting-in the new rifle, my son still wins some of the time, and he took home filet mignon from the Meat Shoot last year! They didn't make us buy everything all at once, so we hung around and enjoyed having fun and shooting with all of the other members of the Traditional Club. This past Christmas we each bought each other traditional hunting shirts for around $75.00 each. We already have possibles bags, as well as other misc. items. We're slowly working on acquiring the things that we need. In the meantime, other newbies to the club are just starting to get their own houses in order, so to speak. It's a continual process as the club grows and accepts new members. Nobody shows-up to the club and already has EVERYTHING that they need to be "traditional".
Anyway, that's my take on "traditional". A beautiful archival Black & White Photograph, with full spectrum brilliance, snappy contrast, clean whites, rich blacks
and lots of great details in the middle tones! A true classic image, presented in a timeless manner.
Still trying-but not quite there yet "Traditionalist"