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Zonie said:
In my opinion, the best, indeed, the only way to change an organization is to belong to the organization and make ones feelings known.

Quiting, or failing to join the organization results in the views and opnions in dissension being unheard, unknown or discredited as the rantings of an outsider.
No creditable organization changes itself to please outsiders.

Those who have chosen to drop their NMLRA membership have become outsiders.
While they could (and should) have worked on the inside towards changing or redirecting the organization towards their idea of what it should be, they have chosen to shut off communiction and now seem to wonder why no one is listening.

Something to think about. :hmm: :hmm:

Zonie some of you point have merit if the BOD of the NMLRA listened to Members, but from where I sit, from what I know, and what personally I have seen the BOD of the NMLRA for the most part don’t care.

Why does the NMLRA need a BOD of 30 Members when most Major U.S. Coorporations seem to do fine with BOD’s of 10 or LESS. Maybe too many Cook, can’t make a Pot of Soup.

Here are a few facts to think about.

NMLRA Membership in the last 15 or so years has gone from 28,000 to less than 20,000

the NMLRA in the last 10 year spend over 1 Million Dollar on the salary & Benefit package + Perks for their (2) Ex EVP who are No Longer Employed by the Association. What did they get for that expenditure of Fund in Return. A Judgment on a Law Suit that cost the Association what was it 1/4 Million Bucks with Little Return. Plus a New Winabago Parking Lot/Campground in Friendship that cost $300,000.00

NMLRA Western/Winter National was started the same year as SASS’s Winter Range. One event is successful, and in a Growth Mode. the Other is like a Stagnant Quagmire. Zonie go out and check out winter Range,

SASS Membership in 1990 was 2,500 today it is well over 55,000 + Because SASS listens to member, and has Catered to the Wants of the General Membership. Plus SASS has Full Time Professional Management.
This response is to no one in particular - it's just next in line.

There seems to be some misconception that MB mag was exclusivly devoted to historical type firearms. This wasn't the case as far back as 40 years. For example ads in 1961 had binoculars, flashlights, scopes and "piggy" banks etc. There were articals about replacing crosshairs in scopes. In 1962 the cover of the March issue showed a big slug gun with a huge modern telescopic sight. In 1963 several members were lamenting the muxxleloaders built along the llines of a Winchester M70. In 1973 there was an article abour the H&R Huntsman inline and an advertisement for a 10 Ring Precision pistol tha looked like a Colt Wwodsman, I only have copies of MB back to 1961 so don't know it was comprisedof before that.
Zonie said:
In my opinion, the best, indeed, the only way to change an organization is to belong to the organization and make ones feelings known.

Quiting, or failing to join the organization results in the views and opnions in dissension being unheard, unknown or discredited as the rantings of an outsider.
No creditable organization changes itself to please outsiders.

Those who have chosen to drop their NMLRA membership have become outsiders.
While they could (and should) have worked on the inside towards changing or redirecting the organization towards their idea of what it should be, they have chosen to shut off communiction and now seem to wonder why no one is listening.

Something to think about. :hmm: :hmm:
Zonie, I don't have a dog in this fight as the sayng goes, but for some clarification, while still a member of the NMLRA, I in fact engaged in professional memo exchanges with their BOD on the issue of opening up the Longhunters Record Book to include scoped inlines, noting that it seemed a radical departure from the original mission statement...that mission statement being the basis of me joining the NMLRA in the first place.

We exchanged some detailed typewritten memos...(I posted their responses here)...which were such a slap in the face to clear thinking people that it was like throwing gasoline on the fire that was already being kindled to start a new organization...(ie: the TMA).

As a result of their mission changes and more a result of their completely illogical, disingenuous memo replies, the departure from their roots, their lack of a lobbying organization like the NRA, no personal justification to travel to Friedship, and already getting several other muzzleloading magazines...there was absolutely no compelling reason whatsoever for me to renew my NMLRA membership when it ran out.

Putting anecdotal comments aside, if there is a tangible, concrete benefit to me personally from renewing my NMLRA membership, I don't know what it would be.....has nothing to do with putting down the NMLRA or hoping they decline or anything like that...it was a simple, logical choice.

By conrast, while the NRA is not perfect, we get constant reminders of their successful activities in representing my interests at the national level, and as a result, I've been throwing money at the NRA for 20+ years now.

If I saw similar representation from any other organization I'd join them too...for example if it could be demonstrated that the NMLRA worked with states resulting in the return of original hunting seasons to their intent and purpose, I'd renew in a heartbeat.

But they have not, and now with the inline influence directing the NMLRA future, they WILL not, I'm not driving to Friendship, I get other magazines, and I belong to Forums like this.

:v :v :v :v :v :v :v
Re: SASS--I don't know if it is because SASS is such a well organized body that it has grown so--it may be that just everyone wants to be a cowboy! We all (most)grew up watching cowboys on TV and movies (whereas now it is cop shows). Cowboys are the great American heroes (myth mostly, but widely believed). Shooting cartridges is alot easier and firepower alot higher (and Americans love firepower). It is plinking dressed up. I LOVE plinking. I am sure I would LOVE cowboy action shooting--I just got too many other hobbies. In any rate the subject was the NMLRA and as my ol'pappy used to say, 'each to his own.' I frankly don't care that Friendship is far away or that they now keep inline records. At least there is some national organization that has kept the tradition alive--and I still like the magazine. Just got this months in the mail and have already read half of it. Gotta wait two months for MuzzleLoader. I know that the NMLRA has p***d off some folks. The great Southwestern rendezvous broke off from NMLRA control years ago and stands alone. My buddy, former competition shooter and gunsmith, was a LA Field Rep and quit the org. over politics and control issues. But I ain't no quitter.
Not only has the membership dropped over the last few years, but the reality is masked by the influx of inliners and cartridge shooters that have joined. If you take the replacements out of the equation, you will find that over half of their membership has left in the last few years.

I vote with my wallet first. There would have to be a reason to join before trying to change them back to their original mission. As of now, unless you go there to shop, or you are a hardware hunter looking for another title, I don't know of anything worth joining them for.
I'm not a defender of the NMLRA, and tend to agree with the disenchanted, but flagging interest seems to be a trend nowadays. Go back to your shooting clubs etc. and look at member numbers for the last 5 to 10 years. Its dropping.

Regards, sse
I maybe didnt drop for one reason besides the fun people on here... if all of us that wasnt happy with this or that took off it would leave it to no one but in....ns and bpcr, someone has to stay to make sure it doesnt... all I was saying "they had better writers and stories back in 2001 thru 2003 like the Rev scope story and it wasnt a few it was many, Id just like them to put ot the mag they did. Right now its going to take months to catch up with the old ones Ive bought. Fred :hatsoff:
Mike Roberts said:
Re: SASS--I don't know if it is because SASS is such a well organized body that it has grown so--it may be that just everyone wants to be a cowboy! We all (most)grew up watching cowboys on TV and movies (whereas now it is cop shows). Cowboys are the great American heroes (myth mostly, but widely believed). Shooting cartridges is alot easier and firepower alot higher (and Americans love firepower). It is plinking dressed up. I LOVE plinking. I am sure I would LOVE cowboy action shooting--I just got too many other hobbies. In any rate the subject was the NMLRA and as my ol'pappy used to say, 'each to his own.' I frankly don't care that Friendship is far away or that they now keep inline records. At least there is some national organization that has kept the tradition alive--and I still like the magazine. Just got this months in the mail and have already read half of it. Gotta wait two months for MuzzleLoader. I know that the NMLRA has p***d off some folks. The great Southwestern rendezvous broke off from NMLRA control years ago and stands alone. My buddy, former competition shooter and gunsmith, was a LA Field Rep and quit the org. over politics and control issues. But I ain't no quitter.

Well you made a good point about growing up and wanting to be Cowboys. I grew up watching Hoppie, roy Dale, Gene, Cisco, Poncho, and a bunch of other Cowboys. But I also grew up with Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, The Last of the Mohicans, and had a lot of exposure to Muzzleloaders. I wanted to be a Cowboy, and also Shoot a Flintlock Longrifle & wear a Coon Skin Cap.

SASS if you study what they have done to GROW is Spend money On Advertising, like Ads in the Gun Rags, and other types of advertising. But SASS is run like a business that is for Profit, and is not a Tax Exempt Organization. SASS also Poll member frequently to see what the member want, and the bottom line is they are in a GROWTH MODE with as i said 2,500 Member in 1990, and over 55,0000+ Members at present.

The NMLRA has been in a Shrinking mode the last 10 to 15 years, spend little on Self promotion, and apparently does not care it is loosing member left & right. I know many EX NMLRA MEmber who all agree on one thing. That is when their NMLRA Membership Expired, no one called, no one wrote them to ask why you did not renew. I can only assume there was no intrest in Ex member FEED BACK.... :youcrazy:
Kind of intresting what you said . When I dropped out in 2003 I got a letter from the prez asking why, I went on about the drift from mission statement ect and got a letter back say ing he understood that ( I think it was the prez?)at least someone wanted to know why and understood same. Fred :hatsoff:
Keep in mind when comparing SASS to NMLRA that SASS won't tell you what the current membership is. If you join now your membership # would be around 60,000 but that's how many people have been members since it started 22 yrs ago. We wonder haw many have quit and and how many members there are now but SASS isn't talking. Everything goes in cycles, SASS is on the upswing now but will start a downward cycle (maybe soon)at some point.
tipis said:
NMLRA does the same thing when you rejoin. You get a new number.

Comparing SASS to the NMLRA is unfair, or Visa Versa. but each is run with an entirely Business Plan, Goal, and Proprietary, verse being a Non Profit.

Membership number do not lie, as the NMLRA was recently as high as 28K, and has now dwindle to about 14K PLUS. SASS on the other hand is in a Growth Mode, and not a FAD unless you consider the Personal Computer a FAD.

As a Business Person if I was charge with running the NMLRA, and saw Members jumping ship, and membership declining. I would study what an organization like SASS was doing, and try to clone some of their ideas for membership recruitment, and retention.

Remember back in 99 The NMLRA had a Big Membership Drive ( 9 for 99), sell 9 NMLRA Membership, and be in a drawing for a FREE LIFETIME NMLRA MEMBERSHIP. Was not very successful.

So in 2000 The NMLRA had a Big Membership Drive ( 2 for 2000), sell 2 NMLRA Membership, and be in a drawing for a FREE LIFETIME NMLRA MEMBERSHIP. Was not very successful.

Think that was their last big membership drive. BTW that Membership drive for a FREE LIFETIME NMLRA MEMBERSHIP was the brain child of Jim Fulmer the LAST NMLRA Pres. :youcrazy:
I belong to the NRA and the NMLRA. Thay both have aspects with which I disagree. A friend of mine dropped his NRA membership and groused about their behavior. I said the him: "So NOW who represents your gun ownership? Who will you blame if we all get to be like lunatic Massachusetts?"He just looked at me, this is the same deal. Meanwhile, there is always SOMEthing in the magazine of interest. Good smoke, ron in FL
I agree with Roundball. Hey for 40 bucks you get two years of Muzzleloader magazine. This is good reading cover to cover. MB has that lame column Bevel Brothers or the all time classic "Our Germanic Heritage" Dribble. Also I never met so many back bitin cheating SOB's as I have at the NRLHF/NMLRA Rendezvous shooting events. If you win by cheating you haven't won nothing. My buddy Terry Wilkerson who is a National Champ will back me up on that.
Nit Wit :cursing:
ronrryan said:
I belong to the NRA and the NMLRA. Thay both have aspects with which I disagree. A friend of mine dropped his NRA membership and groused about their behavior. I said the him: "So NOW who represents your gun ownership? Who will you blame if we all get to be like lunatic Massachusetts?"He just looked at me, this is the same deal. Meanwhile, there is always SOMEthing in the magazine of interest. Good smoke, ron in FL

If you want to be Part of the Process, I suggest Voting in Local, State, & Federal Elections for people with Pro-gun Views...
Sorry I wasnt clear I meant a annawer to just the last part , and now I got to go fine my new card I didnt know they gave you a new # they gave me the same one I had when I dropped out a few years back last year?? Fred :hatsoff:
The difference between NRA and NMLRA is that the NRA can lobby and represent you and NMLRA makes you think they do the same. The truth is they are not allowed to lobby, they don't represent shooters. I know because we asked for their help here in Maine.
Nit Wit
Actually, it is a branch of the NRA called the ILA (Institute For Legislative Action) which lobbies, the NRA does not lobby.
If the NRA lobbied, it would loose some of its Tax privilages just like if the NMLRA lobbied, it too would loose some of it's non-profit tax privilages.

Speaking of laws which could effect us, the NMLRA does publish a Monthly a column in Muzzle Blasts called "Legislative Report".
This column always has more information about Black Powder legislation which is pending than the NRAs Rifleman has.
It often goes into some depth on how some of the laws do and do not effect us.

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