had a dryball once, learned not to use air to force ball out. ball came out went thru barn wall
That's two, not oncehad a dryball once, learned not to use air to force ball out. ball came out went thru barn wall
The grease gun idea is good. All you need to do is get it moving, then air pressure should do it (or a 'silent discharger CO2 thingy) You shouldn't have to fill the bore with grease. I don't know why the ball won't move with air pressure; the most I have ever needed was about 60psi, and they came out hard!(make sure it's pointed safely, or drape a rag loosely over the muzzle) Ball pullers are always a last resort for when nothing else is around. BY screwing into the ball, you expand it and cause it to tighten in the bore. You also run the risk of it gouging the barrel wall if it gets off centre. You might try pressing a tubeless tire valve over the nipple, and putting air through the valve; it will give a better seal than just trying to get a blow gun on it. Works on flinters too. Or just de-breach it, and get the load out from behind.I'm using a 36" Creedmore cleaning rod and did have the ball puller firmly seated at one point. After several days (literally) of tugging without success I unscrewed it and tried various concoctions down the barrel to soften things up. Now I can't get the puller reseated. I've managed to create a nice hole in the ball and that is why I'm now thinking maybe I can just continue and try to drill through it and simply dump out the bits that remain.
From the experience I have described - should I consider this barrel trash, or is there hope?
They come out hard, don't they? Next time, stick the barrel in a bucket of water or point it outdoors. I have caught such balls (once) just by hanging a piece of fabric loosely over the muzzle.had a dryball once, learned not to use air to force ball out. ball came out went thru barn wall
Think that was fun? Try one of the CO2 dischargers. I hit the berm at 50 yards with a resounding thump....had a dryball once, learned not to use air to force ball out. ball came out went thru barn wall
Brass brushes are another object that gets stuck in barrels and are difficult to remove.Did I miss something? What does a brass brush have to with with a stuck ball in the bore?
I'm going to try to just insert a thick metal rod into the bore and pound it down to the breech, then bloop it out with a dribble of 3f under the nipple.....in the case of my Buffalo Hunter.
I had the breech plug removal fitting.Yeah, the ball blocks the hole and you are done. You will not get powder behind the ball. But I still say ball pullers are too large and just make it tighter.
But how in the world did you get the TC plug out? I have the tool and you can't hold the barrel without a 3' pipe wrench. That thing must be torqued at 300 ft#
I now have a .54 cal T/C percussion Hawken that I won in an auction on GunBroker earlier this spring. I was actually looking for an 1805 Harper’s Ferry pistol when I first saw it. My $280 bid was bumped to $300 and surprise - I won (or lost- depends how we look at it – keep reading).
I now have a muzzleloader in my garage with a stuck ball and 90 grains of GoEx FF sitting behind it. Yes – I did clean the gun before taking it to the range. My original cleaning included boiling water down the pipe and watching it squirt out of the nipple hole. This was followed by numerous patches to swab it dry. The black powder guru at my club swears by Mystery Oil so I followed his procedure. Remove the nipple and replace with ¼ x28 panhead screw to close the exit, fill with oil, stand it in the corner and go away. A few days later I dump the oil and swab it dry with patch after patch. Let it dry further for a day or two and then go to the range and shoot it.
Once at the range, the CCI #11 caps would not work with the original nipple so I replaced with a brand new one. Cracked off 2 or 3 caps and then dumped 90 grains of GoEx down the barrel and got a good bang. Swabbed the barrel and loaded her up with patched 0.530 lead ball. First trigger pull, I heard the cap, but no powder discharge. New cap - Second squeeze – BANG - all is well. I then send a cleaning patch down the barrel and discover that the barrel is incredibly fouled from just one shot. In fact the rod becomes stuck and I need to recruit another set of hands to assist. Load it up again and same routine. This time I go through several caps without a discharge before a good BANG.
It’s the 3rd ball that is still in there now. I have tried compressed air and a military style ball puller. Nothing wants to work. I poured ½ bottle of Ballistol down the barrel to let it soak. What’s next? I am considering a 36” x 3/8 drill bit to grind the lead to bits, but there is powder behind that ball. Is this a really bad idea? Should I just park this barrel in the corner and forget about it? And - What’s with the misfires? Is this not uncommon?
I have an India made flintlock Brown Bess that is fired frequently. There have been misfires, but usually it is because there was no spark and the flint is to blame. I expect a percussion lock gun to fire if the cap cracks off.
Help me out here!
This ball was stuck about 4" down from the muzzle and was not going to go any further down the barrel. Had to use the grease gun methodIf my puller fails to dislodge the stuck Ball we usually pull the nipple out and feed a small amount of NO.4 powder down behind the ball. I then re-install the nipple and cap it off aiming down range of course. This always works every time.