tick treatment

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SDSmith.......Yup , the only difference from yours to mine , is the color. Mine are light green. ...........................To add to the last two posts about ticks on deer killed. I have hung them up in a place w/a concrete floor , head down. Came back the next morning , and the floor is covered w/ ticks that had jumped ship from the dead deer. As far as using Skin So Soft , yep good tick deterant , but stinks too much for hunting critters that detect you through smell.
The old green vs yellow argument. Got to wonder which color rules? I can say that the yellow ones (and likely the light green) work better than the other possibly ‘snake oil’ methods. I had a bunch and gave most of them away, so need to start thinking about a source for more.
The old green vs yellow argument. Got to wonder which color rules? I can say that the yellow ones (and likely the light green) work better than the other possibly ‘snake oil’ methods. I had a bunch and gave most of them away, so need to start thinking about a source for more.
I have one around here somewhere that looks like a small spoon, with a V notch where the handle would be. Can't remember where I got it, been a while. I'll try and find it and post a picture.
How long before any disease like lyme sets in? I found a tick on my leg this morning. I got the culprit in a bottle just in case I come down with something. That way I could show the tick to the doctor. But it's been over10 hrs already since I found that annoying creature.
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How long before any disease like lime sets in? I found a tick on my leg this morning. I got the culprit in a bottle just in case I come down with something. That way I could show the tick to the doctor. But it's been over10 hrs already since I found that annoying creature.
Hard to say Louis. I've heard some folks get a telltale bullseye rash, and some don't. My MIL got the rash the same day, tested positive for Lyme disease the same week.
I have one around here somewhere that looks like a small spoon, with a V notch where the handle would be. Can't remember where I got it, been a while. I'll try and find it and post a picture.
This is the type I posted of photograph quite a few pages back in this thread. Had a carton of maybe 24, but down to the last few and looking for a current source.
Just remembered something from 65+/- years ago. Had an uncle, WWII vet, in the SW Virginia hills who swore by kerosene. Rubbed on himself and his clothes when going hunting. No idea how well it worked.
Did not seem to spook the game. He generally brought food back from his hunts.
Just remembered something from 65+/- years ago. Had an uncle, WWII vet, in the SW Virginia hills who swore by kerosene. Rubbed on himself and his clothes when going hunting. No idea how well it worked.
Did not seem to spook the game. He generally brought food back from his hunts
A fella I was in the service with drank a shot of vinegar every day. Said it kept the skeeters at bay. Can't say if it worked or not.
First time I got lime disease , The tick was in my hair behind my ear. W/in a week , my jaw quit working and I had to become a ventriloquist to converse w/ the Dr. . He put me on antibiotics for 30 days and the problem went away. Didn't want to experience that BS again , so try to be fastidious with prevention. Lost three M/L shooting friends in the mid 1970's , due to their inability to understand tick born Lyme disease. They died a horrible death from the inside out. Medical professionals didn't know a lot about tick born illness back then. These days , research has shown between 20 to 30 different identifiable kinds of Lyme. My retired RN wife just tells those that ask her for advice to simply go get a blood test for Lyme disease , and then you can be certain. Keep an eye on your pets , kids , wife , Lyme is a silent killer , but easily dealt with if caught in a timely fashion.
Just remembered something from 65+/- years ago. Had an uncle, WWII vet, in the SW Virginia hills who swore by kerosene. Rubbed on himself and his clothes when going hunting. No idea how well it worked.
Did not seem to spook the game. He generally brought food back from his hunts.
Wonder what a shot of Ballistol or Crisco would do? I read that almost anything that smothers or stops their breathing would work.Like home made lubes maybe? Granted some of those things that you might have in your pouch may not make you smell too good to game.
Wonder what a shot of Ballistol or Crisco would do? I read that almost anything that smothers or stops their breathing would work.Like home made lubes maybe? Granted some of those things that you might have in your pouch may not make you smell too good to game.
If you used Ballistol the ladies would be pursuing you like a bloodhound on an escaped convict and your wife may get a bit testy.
I'll tell you about the most stupid , dumbest , university field tick study ever heard about. Since I live in Central Pa. , you'll have to guess which university performed it. The studywent like this.....1st.Stake off a 6 ft. square area in a woods. Count the number of live ticks in the 36th sq. ft. space. Then , set fire to the forest floor and let it go out naturally. Go back into the burn , and count how many live ticks survived the inferno. ......My friend Stuart Pedasso , (most call him Stu Pedasso) , supervised the study , and published the results , that 98.7 percent of the ticks parished in the blaze. I think anyone on this Forum could have saved the researchers time and money if the researchers would have simply asked. True story......To think the State tax money funds this BS.
In ome of the old manuscripts I've read , it's noted that American Indians applied bear tallow on their skin to foil bug attacks. Dunno....I never tried that.
Just remembered something from 65+/- years ago. Had an uncle, WWII vet, in the SW Virginia hills who swore by kerosene. Rubbed on himself and his clothes when going hunting. No idea how well it worked.
Did not seem to spook the game. He generally brought food back from his hunts.
Number one diesel fuel is kerosene. works great.

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