My new Uberti Colt 1851 Navy arrived yesterday, so did the usual cleanup and polish*, and today went to the range and shot it at seven paces. I was astonished to discover that with 20 and 25 gr loads this thing shoots virtually flat at that distance. It hit a little to the left, but I attribute that to learning proper finger placement on the trigger. I then took some shots at the gongs at 25 yards and hit four out of six, including the pinballs, but missed one pinball and the little diamond. I also shot the 1851's little brother, my Colt 1862 Pocket Police, with 15 grain loads. Lots of black powder smoke and great fun, and some conversation with other shooters, and I gotta say, this 1851 Colt Navy is one heck of a neat little pistol.
* the hand, the hand slot, and a couple spots on the hammer groove needed a little work. Also, the arbor is a little short, so a washer was deputized for duty. Gun now is tight and runs smooth. I did experience #11 caps tended to be too loose and a couple times the next in sequence fell off the nipple. #10 caps are too long and rub on the recoil shield during cylinder rotation. I'll put in an order to Slixsprings for new nipples.