November 30 is National Mason Jar Day!

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Nov 2, 2003
Reaction score

November 30 is National Mason Jar Day!​

Sorry this post is a day late - life's activities are taking up too much of my time!

Another well known holiday is coming at the end of November. Many of us (especially in the South) enjoy sipping beverages from mason jars, now it's time to see how many times you can hit one.

The usual three categories: rifle, smoothbore, (smoothbore must not be equipped with rear sight - front sight/bead only) or handgun

Two ways to shoot: Offhand from 25 yards with rifle or smoothbore or 15 yards with handgun.
Bench rest/supported from 25 yards with rifle or smoothbore or 15 yards with handgun

Mark the box on your targets as either rifle or smoothbore or handgun and either offhand or benchrest/supported.

Instructions for new participants - download the pdf file at the bottom of this post and print it full size. Post your target by taking a picture of it with the information filled in and scored by you and post it back to this thread.

6 shots for score
Hit the bullseye for 10 points. Hits in the rest of the mason jar or lid count 2 points.

Ball must be half way into the target area to score points. Maximum score is 60 pts.

Shoot as many times as you wish but please only post one target per category with pictures of target (and gear, if possible - we love to see everyone's equipment and load data!) Post jpg or pdf formats. Please score your own targets and write your score on the target along with information on the load you used and other info including rifle/pistol or smoothbore, bench or supported. If you do not check the boxes I won't know where to post your scores. I will check scores and it helps me if you will draw a line to each hole in the target and write your points for each shot - makes it easier for me to check the targets.

Prize is same as always - bragging rights on the forum!

I will be posting October results later this week.

Have fun!



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last month was not good to me and i didn't get the target shot.
picked up my new glasses the DR. had ground just to pickup the front sight. I am a happy dog.
the rifle is my birch stocked .54. basically it is a truck gun. boy can it shoot!
I have hoped i could score maximum someday. today is the day. I still need to file the front sight some as hold was on the rim. think i will move targets out to my 60 yard station.


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Hah. The ranges I visit don't allow Mason jars as targets (bummer) and as far as sipping goes, non-alcoholic only, so what's the point?
@Deerstalker Boy, that's some good shootin'.
Tell me about them RED patches.
that rifle just gets better. it is the plain Jane of my collection and shoots the best.
those patches are some canvas I bought in December so I could find the shot patches easy in the snow. I also bought some "white" just because.
the cloth is pre shrunk and measures out at .018 snug. if i squeeze the blades on the cheezy digital mics I use it can be compressed to .015.
it takes some persuading with a .535 ball to get my rifle to swallow. I tend to think it is worth the effort.
Orange Canvas - Wholesale Cotton Canvas - 10oz. Cotton Duck


Orange-Cotton Canvas Duck 10oz Fabric​

last month was not good to me and i didn't get the target shot.
picked up my new glasses the DR. had ground just to pickup the front sight. I am a happy dog.
the rifle is my birch stocked .54. basically it is a truck gun. boy can it shoot!
I have hoped i could score maximum someday. today is the day. I still need to file the front sight some as hold was on the rim. think i will move targets out to my 60 yard station.
Nice shooting - set the bar high right out of the gate!
Nice shooting - set the bar high right out of the gate!
it really helps to be able to see the target, front and rear sights! plus that bull on that jar was just the right size. and the moon and stars were in alignment, I had slept well, had put politics out of my mind, the wind wasn't blowing, the sun was just right, and there was a partridge in my pear tree!
probably the last time i ever shoot that well.
Well, I didn't keep up with the high standards from above but enjoyed the afternoon immensely. It's a beautiful day here in S.E Indiana so I'm taking it all in before the weather turns cold and windy.
English Fowler
.62 smoothie
.595 RB
70 gr. 2F powder
Leaves for wadding over powder and ball


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Had a chance to shoot a rifle and a smoothie target at the rendezvous in Rye, AZ last weekend.

Rifle target: Flint rifle .45 cal. .440 RB, .015 patch with ballistol/water mix. Score= 26.
Smoothbore target: .62 cal TVM with .600RB with a .015 patch with ballistol/water mix. Score=22


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Not my best shooting this month, guess I'll blame the 30mph wind here in Kansas . I shot this one with my Pedersoli Pennsylvania .50 flintlock. Offhand .480" ball, .015 patch, 60gr ffg goex and a score of 24. I may take a mulligan with my Kibler SMR before the end of the month if I get a chance.
