Well I’m home from Friendship! Sorry I missed you all at the woods walk! Ran into a couple members over the weekend though! Did you all still shot? One of my boys thought he heard the announcer say it was closed today???
Any ways the rain threw off our time line. I had the second half of the bow woods walk to finish with my boys. By the time we sat out the rain, finished some last minuet shopping, packed up camp and finished our bow shoot we were out of time!
Highlights of the weekend: My son Ethan won a match last spring or fall!! So he picked up a gold metal and his very own pound of black powder on Sat!! My son Matthias hit the running deer twice in the bow woods walk and had the top score out of a group of 4 he was shooting with!! The three others were older experienced bow shooters!! Then I picked up a nice custom 45 flintlock!! It’s a plain jane but it shoots good!!