I have an original 1861 Bridesberg .58 I restored from a barn find. I also have a Pedersoli Kentucky long rifle replica in .45 as well as an unmentionable in 50. They're all great but each for a different reason. Believe it or not, we're not awash in antique firearms. A good quality "SAFE" antique musket could easily be a couple grand. A Pedersoli? Like half and completely safe. The fit and finish are excellent. It's never going to be as nice as an original but the difference is not so bad as to make me an original SNOB.Just an idle thought. Why are so many folk on these forums shooting new repro guns? You lot "Americans" have in the past fought just about every other nation on your home ground. There must be literally thousands of original guns, beautiful things in perfect condition for sale, so why buy new and made abroad..? I am in the UK and have just obtained my first muzzle loader, having only ever shot the unmentionables. My ML was made in 1830 ish and is a work of art. Saw a guy at the clay ground last week with a brand new Italian copy and it was horrible! I would not dream of shooting one.
Just a thought.
I enjoy the sport, I enjoy the history and I've made some solid friends on this forum (and others like it) and no matter what they shoot, I can find something nice or helpful to say about their firearms. You never know who might have an answer to a problem you're having with your gun or that impossible to find part. Good luck, welcome and we look forward to your years of knowledge and expertise on your original antique.