Just looked over an Indian made Charleville from Military Heritage. Barrel is ok but the plug is almost past the Pan, way too much thread, nothing I can or will do about it, needs to be drilled and somehow notched or bored out. No witness marks on the breech area, so put Dycem on the face of the plug, plug does not engage full circle and likely will need a shim welded on it. This was not assembled correctly, with potential consequences of water and or gas getting in the plug threads, will it blow up…. Not likely no. I’m going to assume that a good number of blackpowder guns are not breeched with an absolute fit, but its the most important safety feature of a musket and should be done with absolute care.
Barrel itself is not bad taper is decent, its a heavy barrel weighing around 5.5 lbs
No DOM Weld scar on the underside, this is a likely a 12L14 tube or carbon steel tubing likely in the 1020-1050 range.
Now to find a barrel guy that will actually work on an Indian barrel, Rice Co and Coleraine will not.